Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Be A Master Receiver

Jeanna Gabellini
My grandmother was incredibly dear to me. I loved to take her to do things she wouldn't treat herself to experiencing and whatever else I could do to make her life easier. But I have to tell you, she made it hard. She was not good at receiving with joy. She tried to pay me back for whatever money I'd spend, even if I picked her up a carton of milk. I used to get frustrated and eventually I just learned to laugh. I knew it was her belief of her own worthiness, stubbornness and pride.
Grandma Frances also had this habit of feeling guilty when someone went out of their way for her. Now, none of her reactions to receiving love, assistance and money did her any good. In fact, it stopped more abundance from coming her way. She was grateful and resistant at the same to time to receiving from other people. She was also the same person who would complain if her family didn't visit her enough. Ah, the contrast!
I have a little bit of my grandmother's emotional response to receiving inside of me. In the last two weeks I've had two beautiful parties thrown for me in honor of my baby that is due on Labor Day, Sept. 1, 2008 (pretty funny, huh? Labor Day!) . I felt a bit odd that the hosts of the parties, Eva Gregory and my Godmother, we're going to all of this effort and expense on my behalf. I was thrilled with being the guest of honor and at the same time guilty for receiving their generosity. That didn't feel good!
I thought I was good at receiving before this last month. But I discovered I had conditional receiving skills. I'm cool if you want to buy me dinner, give me amazing service at a great price or for free, give me coaching or consulting or help me move. But if someone wants to spend more than a certain amount of money or time on me, I get a bit uncomfortable. I had to figure out what that was about because it didn't feel good and I knew it was putting a kink in my line of prosperity.
It became clear that there were two reasons I wasn't at ease with receiving abundantly from others. The first is that I was afraid they might think I wasn't grateful and think ill of me. Secondly, they might resent all the effort they were putting forth and think ill of me. Bottom line: fear of rejection. Oh my! Me?! Yep.
Generally when someone is talking about attraction principles and receiving, they mean being in an allowing state. You are expecting to have your intentions met and relaxing into that truth. When you are in "receiving mode" you will feel aligned with well being and knowing that you are worthy of ALL good things that come your way. You will take responsibility for attracting both the positive and negative experiences in your life.
If I attract all that comes to me, then I attracte people wanting to celebrate me and my blessed event. I can accept the abundance and enjoy it fully knowing I am worthy. This opens me up to more good stuff. Bring it on, Universe!
Inquiry: Are there places in your life where you can open up more fully to receiving from others? How much generosity can you stand? How much are you willing to let people assist you?
(C) 2008 MasterPeace Coaching
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