Saturday, January 12, 2008

When Times Get Tough

I realize something over a couple months ago. One of the easiest things to do when a person decide that they want to change something in their life and begin having a little set back is to quit, then make excuses and continue doing what they been doing. This is the reality of what happens in most people life and it is a shame that most likely it will continue happening. I hope that if you are reading this that it does not apply in your case. I have had friends and family to tell me about bad situations that have been going own in their lives and how hard of times that they are having and me being the type person that I am, I try to encourage them a change of their thought process is the beginning of changing their situations. As you begin to focus away from the negativity of what at the time may be your current disposition, it can open your mind to find solutions that may help to resolve some of the problems that may be going on in your life. But one of the hardest things for most people to conceive is the concept change. You may have heard people use the remark of that I have been doing things this way all my life, and that is good if things have been going your way much of your life, but if not, it is time to change.
Here is what I would like to suggest that you do. Use my R.A.M process. Recognize that if things are not going right, Adjust your thought process, and Make the necessary change that will improve your outlook.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

As a Man Thinketh

This is a short book that I believe that everyone should have in their possession this book was written over 40 years ago by a man name James Allen. I have read this book more then once, if you were to check you would find out that a large majority of the world’s most successful people have read this book and followed its teaching. I would like to see everyone with their own copy, so I will present it to you free of charge. If you would like a copy, e-mail me at Just say send book and I will e-mail you back a copy that you will be able to save to your computer.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Exploration of the Mind

Guys allow me to help guide you on a journey take I guarantee will change your life forever, This is a journey that I am on right now, and my life is starting to change for the better each and everyday. Below is an insert from what I will call my map to freedom.
Guys if you would like to make a giant improvement in your life please take the time to view this information and then order this product; the cost is very small compare to the big change it will make in your life. I have included a direct link to the order page.

Complete NLP, Hypnosis, Sleep Learning and Meditation Set

Meditation describes a state of concentrated attention on some object of thought or awareness. It usually involves turning the attention inward to a single point of reference. Meditation is often recognized as a component of eastern religions, where it has been practiced for over 5,000 years.
Absorb new information quickly by going directly to your subconscious mind.Introducing an amazing technique that lets the mind absorb information while the body is at rest. Scientifically researched in laboratories and homes throughout the world, listening to learning material during sleeping hours has proved to be a highly effective way for people of all ages to realize their full learning potential

Hypnosis is a trancelike state that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject.
Some hypnotic indicators and subjective changes can be achieved without relaxation or a lengthy induction by means of simple suggestion or waking hypnosis. These recording are geared toward waking hypnosis.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Do the Opposite

How has things been going in your life? Do all things or most things that you engage in turns out in your favor? If so, that’s good, keep doing what you are doing. On the other hand if it seems like no matter what you do, most things that you engage in turns out bad, it is time for you to learn how to do the opposite. Don’t take what I just said lightly because this is one of the most difficult things that we of human nature can do. Because of our own programming of our minds we are set to continue doing the same wining or defeating habits. It will be a tough fight to break free of defeating habits, but if you want to change the outcome of the way things go in your life; this is a fight you must participate in. The way you should prepare yourself is to get your mind in shape because there is where the fight and your change will take place. There are two different opponents in your mind, the one that want to keep doing the same loosing habits and the one that want to change for the better. You must begin to seriously train the second one.
Some of the ways that you can do this is by learning to meditate, self hypnosis, and reading of personal growth material. There are others, but it is up to you to seek them and apply them to your advantage. Always remember any change in you is up to you.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Lets Talk Church

My reason behind choosing this subject had to do with me attending church services today. The topic of discussion today was a vision and focus for this year. I have been a member of my church for about 7 months and in that time frame we have had a little growth in our church membership. We do not have a large membership but the church minister has chose a goal of bringing in more members and leading them to a life of understanding the Christian way. Now this is how I see it, that has been a goal of many churches for many years. Ministers have preach for years that God word never changes, which may be true, but people do. It is my belief that individuals in these times are more concern with world pleasures, and see the church as a place that only tell them how things will be better once they die and only if they follow a strict set of rules until then. I personally believe that if membership of small churches are to grow, ministers will need to get people to understand that God intentions for us as Christians ,is to live successful and abundant lives while we are here on earth and also that the church purpose is to teach them that by following the teachings of Jesus that is what they can expect to do. No God word don’t change, but ministers got to, if they are to succeed in following through on Jesus instructions.