Saturday, December 1, 2007

Everyone Makes Mistakes

Have you ever not done something that you knew could benefit you, but was afraid that you might make a mistake or fail ? If your answer is yes, that was a mistake you made in not doing it. Let me share with you a statement that I read today, it was said by someone you all may know.
"I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot... and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that's precisely why I succeed."

Some of you may have guess who made these remarks, but if you haven't, it's a person who I considered one of the greatest basketball players in history, Michael Jordan. One thing that is done in making mistakes is the acquiring of knowledge, mistakes is know way the best way, but they do teach something. So don't be afraid to take chances, and always believe in yourself.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Getting In The Zone

Every time I think about individuals like Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey, I often wonder did they think that they would be in the position that they are now in. I couldn't know, but what I would assume is that they had a strong desire to do and be the best that they could with the abilities that they had to become as successful as they are. I am also sure each of them had set backs and down points in their travel to success and could have gave up at anytime, but didn't. We might can't reach the type of success that these two have, but each one of us can have greater success then what we might think. It begins with desire, you must have a burning desire to want it, a driven passion to have it, and a success conscious mind to achieve it. It is my belief that everyone would love to have a life of success. So what I would would like to instill in you, is to seek opportunities to move toward a more successful life.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Begin Choosing, Or Keep Loosing

Can any of you think back to when you was a teenager? At that time would you have imagine
that your life would be where you may be at now. If you did, I hope by me saying great that I'm not insulting you. But if you didn't, have you thought about where you miss your mark? I don't believe as teenager any of us would have imagine ourselves to be living now a life of regrets, lack, or dispirit. What I do believe is that we would have saw ourselves happy, having good jobs that paids good income, and also in good loving relationships. What I would like to impress in you is that even though we can't change the past, we can take the present and make it a better future. That is the choice each one of us have right now. So don't let another day pass. Put in your mind right now that you will do what ever it take to assure yourself a successful future.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Knowledge Is The Door, Action Is The Key

Have you ever wanted to learn or try something different in your life, maybe a hobby, an exercise program, a new job, or your own business. I'm sure most of you have had that ambition. Some of you might have read books, bought cds, weights, or search the internet for ideas. If any of you have went on to accomplish any of your goals congratulation. But for those that have not, can I ask why not? Maybe something more important came up or you decided to put it on hold for now. I know for awhile I did, until I realize that the longer I waited the more the motivation to get things done left me. I believe that most people would love to be able to put their mind on a project and take action and complete it. Let me encourage each one of you to set goals, take charge of your actions and unlock doors in your life.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Reaching Goals

I found something I thought you would be interested in. I am excited about it, so I just signed up as an "Evangelist"!
This company ( has developed a new training system that helps people achieve their goals sooner (personally and professionally) -- by giving you the tools to immediately produce better results. Their starter package costs nothing but 2 minutes of your time.
They are the ONLY people in the world who can show you...
* What you are doing RIGHT -- so you can do MORE of that... * What you are doing WRONG -- so you can do LESS of that... * Exactly what you need to do DIFFERENT to accelerate your success.
To introduce their new product line, they are giving away 10 million audio CD training programs covering different areas of your performance: setting goals, making plans, team-building, organization, time management, your attitude, etc.
You should get one before they run out! There's no obligation to purchase anything.
The idea is to simply choose one area of your performance, either a major strength... and make it stronger... or a limiting weakness... and eliminate it. Either way, this program focuses on personal improvement in a whole new way.
They have all kinds of simple on-line tests, assessments, workshops and a Daily Lessons in Excellence email training program that really works! I highly recommend it.
To sign up, just go to
Enter this number in the Gift Certificate box: 110388 (this is how I get credit!)
Talk to you soon.