Saturday, January 5, 2008


Karma is a word that has been around for quite a while. Here is a brief concept of its meaning: Karma basically stands for the belief that a person experiences the effects of his or her personal actions--that every act or thought has consequences. Living in a balance universe, if an individual disturbs this order, he or she will suffer commensurately. But an ethical and moral life, will lead to happiness. My own personal belief is in support of this. I believe that if everyone would give merit to karma, we would live in a time of total respect for each other. Also allow me to quote to you something that was said by someone who most of you have heard of before, it goes as follows: Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them. That is one of the must powerful statements that was ever made. Let me inspire all of you that read this article to lock in your minds and hearts these messages and make them part of your life.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Learning through Living

Each of us have heard the statement, live and learn. What do you think that it mean? The way I see it is that just to go through your daily process is a learning experience in itself. You should always have conscious awareness of every aspect of your daily activities. Look for lessons in situations that you come upon through out your day. Once you start to do this you will begin to open your mind in a whole new avenue. We should all live to learn successfully and once we can master that we can then truly learn to live successfully. I hope that this is not confusing to you; I don’t mean it to be that way. I seek to learn something new everyday; I believe that in this way I am able to keep my mind focus and operating in a fully functional capability. I know that each one of you have heard or even have said the remark that, I must be loosing my mind. Loosing something normally comes from neglect or misuse of something. Don’t neglect or misuse your mind. Allow your mind to keep doing what it was created to do. That is to seek knowledge and use it for your good.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hoping For a Miracle

Have you ever heard the phrase, hoping for a miracle? Let me tell you my theory on miracles. I know miracles happen everyday. Following is a brief definition of the word miracle: A miracle, derived from the old Latin word miraculum meaning "something wonderful", is a striking interposition of divine intervention by a supernatural being in the universe by which the ordinary course and operation of Nature is overruled, suspended, or modified. I expect miracles to happen in my life everyday and the main reason that I do is because I seek them. Let me ask you a bible base question. In most of Jesus performance of miracles did Jesus go and look for the people in need of a miracle? The answer is no, those individual had to go out and seek their miracle to make it happen. It is alright to have hope for a miracle, but if possible go out and seek it.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

We all Have failed

Do you know that everyone living has fail in something more then once? If you say that you have not, you are not being truthful. You fail to walk at your first attempt, but good you didn’t give up. You may have fail in many other things through out your life. Where am I going with this you may ask? Unless you were trying to do something that was destructive in your life, any failure was at least and attempt at something that may have been of benefit to you. Some of the must successful people in history had fail many times before they finally succeeded in certain situations. There is a famous quote that says: it is better to have tried and fail then to have never tried at all. So if you know or believe that there is something that you can do that would improve your life, don’t let not trying be your failing.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Everyone here is a item that I had to let you know about.Be sure to get you one for all your cars.
Have you ever left your headlights on or forgotten to shut a door all the way so that your vehicle's dome light drains your battery? What did you do? How long did it take to get on your way? Were you late to something important because of your car trouble?
With SmartMeup2, The Emergency Jump Starter, these troubles are a thing of the past. If you find your vehicle won't start:
Take the StartMeUp2 out of your glove box
Plug it in Turn your key to the Accessory (ACC) position
Wait five minutes for your battery to recharge
Start your car and go!
Compare StartMeUp2 to Your Auto ServiceWith StartMeUp2 there is no need to get out of your locked vehicle, no need to fumble with jumper cables, no need to hope that your cell phone is charged up, and no need to wait 46 minutes for an auto service. That's right, JD Power and Associates reports that the average response time for roadside assistance is 46 minutes when you call with your cell phone! With StartMeUp2, you'd be on your way 41 minutes sooner and you can forget about paying monthly fees for slow roadside service.
StartMeUp2-No Messy Jumper Cables, No asking for stranger\\'s Help!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Plan to Plan

Have any of you gone through the process of needing to plan to plan? If you don’t understand what I mean by this let me explain. People have gotten so comfortable with putting things off that they are starting to need to make plans just to plan on getting things done. Still sound confusing right. Well that is how times are becoming and if we don’t open our eyes and minds to what is happening around us we are destine to continue to walk in confusion. This is the beginning of a new year, a time to plan a new set of resolutions. The way I would suggest that you start would be look back at your last year resolutions and the ones that you didn’t complete determine if they are some that you would like to bring forward. Now ask yourself 12 months from now what would you like to have accomplished, that way you can begin a thinking process that will help to organize your planning. So now go for it, list your resolutions and see them through.