Friday, January 4, 2008

Learning through Living

Each of us have heard the statement, live and learn. What do you think that it mean? The way I see it is that just to go through your daily process is a learning experience in itself. You should always have conscious awareness of every aspect of your daily activities. Look for lessons in situations that you come upon through out your day. Once you start to do this you will begin to open your mind in a whole new avenue. We should all live to learn successfully and once we can master that we can then truly learn to live successfully. I hope that this is not confusing to you; I don’t mean it to be that way. I seek to learn something new everyday; I believe that in this way I am able to keep my mind focus and operating in a fully functional capability. I know that each one of you have heard or even have said the remark that, I must be loosing my mind. Loosing something normally comes from neglect or misuse of something. Don’t neglect or misuse your mind. Allow your mind to keep doing what it was created to do. That is to seek knowledge and use it for your good.

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