Monday, December 31, 2007

Plan to Plan

Have any of you gone through the process of needing to plan to plan? If you don’t understand what I mean by this let me explain. People have gotten so comfortable with putting things off that they are starting to need to make plans just to plan on getting things done. Still sound confusing right. Well that is how times are becoming and if we don’t open our eyes and minds to what is happening around us we are destine to continue to walk in confusion. This is the beginning of a new year, a time to plan a new set of resolutions. The way I would suggest that you start would be look back at your last year resolutions and the ones that you didn’t complete determine if they are some that you would like to bring forward. Now ask yourself 12 months from now what would you like to have accomplished, that way you can begin a thinking process that will help to organize your planning. So now go for it, list your resolutions and see them through.

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