Thursday, January 17, 2008

Beware of your Friends

My title may have said friends, but in reality you should be aware of anyone you come into contact with because there are individuals that I will call the black hole type and if you know anything about the universe a black hole is a void in space that will suck up anything that comes near it and there is no escape once you are captured. Black hole type individuals I would group together as those who are [always] angry, negative, critical, depressed, gossipy, and any other bad attitude. I come upon these types of people on a daily basis and the way I deal with it is to get away from them as fast as possible. I don’t assume that if I talk to them for awhile that I could change their thinking or anything like that, because what I have learn is that most black hole type enjoy being that way and enjoy bringing others to their side. So if you don’t consider yourself a member of that group, learn to recognize them and avoid them at all cost.

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