Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Nothing from Nothing Leaves Nothing

Understanding the above saying is one of the biggest keys in having positive results in our lives.
At one time in my life I was the type of person that would sit around a lot and just day dream about how I would like my life to be, I would think about the job I would like to have, the money that I would want to have in my procession and so on. I would think wouldn’t it be great if things could be different. That may be the position of some of you that are reading this article right now. If so, let me tell you what I decided to do in my situation. The first thing that I did was to realize that if I didn’t take some form of action things would remain the same. I begin to explore opportunities into how I could change myself; ways that I could start to better my life. At this time I have made many steps towards knowing that I am in control of my situation and only by taking action can I expect to progress forward. And what I also want you to realize is that, if you don’t have nothing you want get nothing by just doing nothing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you . I to have let time past with my dreams being just that a dream. I have decided to take control of my life and not let life control me.Like you said nonthing from nonthing leaves nonthing. I want allow another day go by that I have not put forward an effort at molding me so that I can mold my life into the life that I have been dreaming about for so long. Just for the record sometimes the life you had could have been molded into the life you were dreaming of.The foundation may have already been laid,and it is up to you to mold and reshape it into the life you so desire. Im speaking from my own mistakes.I want allow my mistakes to hold me back any more. Thank you for helping me to realize my own dreams are within me and only I can make them come true.I will start taking steps towards the life I want . Thanks Grant