Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Problem is Bigger Then Yours

Are you living the victim life? I am talking about the kind of life that you believe that the whole world is against you and everything that may be going wrong in your life is someone else fault.

Are you the type that if someone asks you how are you doing, your answer is usually, not too good? Well let me clue you in on something, most of the time when someone ask you that they were just being polite, so stop thinking that you now have an opportunity to start discussing your problems because most people may have problems, some I guarantee is a whole lot worse then yours and if everyone were to start expressing their problems if ask the greeting how you doing, it could become like a competition to see who having the bigger problems.

If you are having problems in your life stop focusing on how bad you may think that they are, and start seeking ways to solve them. You most likely have had problems before and you did solve them. What I am saying is don’t see yourself as a victim but see yourself as a victor, that way problems may come but you will always be up to the challenge.

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