Monday, December 31, 2007

Plan to Plan

Have any of you gone through the process of needing to plan to plan? If you don’t understand what I mean by this let me explain. People have gotten so comfortable with putting things off that they are starting to need to make plans just to plan on getting things done. Still sound confusing right. Well that is how times are becoming and if we don’t open our eyes and minds to what is happening around us we are destine to continue to walk in confusion. This is the beginning of a new year, a time to plan a new set of resolutions. The way I would suggest that you start would be look back at your last year resolutions and the ones that you didn’t complete determine if they are some that you would like to bring forward. Now ask yourself 12 months from now what would you like to have accomplished, that way you can begin a thinking process that will help to organize your planning. So now go for it, list your resolutions and see them through.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Seed & Harvest Time

Would you believe there are many people who don’t understand this concept? This is a concept that has been around since the beginning of time and applies to every area of our lives. All farmers should be familiar with this process in their growing of fruits and vegetables. In the bible it is mention many times. Now let me explain the important part of us as non farmers understanding this concept. We must look at all things as seeds and start to consider ourselves as farmers. Now as farmers it is up to us to determine what type of seeds we need to plant and where we need to plant them. Two types of good seeds are, love, and kindness, but on the bad side there is also hatefulness. Some seeds take awhile to mature and some can produce instantly.
I encourage you to always plant good seeds, cultivate them and prepare to collect your harvest.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My Enemy, My Friend

There is one person in your life that can be at times both your enemy and your friend. That person is you. Have you ever saw a commercial where a person would be standing there trying to make a decision and would have a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other? While this may only be an illustration that is portraying a good and or bad influence through a visual aid it does happen in another manner. That way is through our own mind, our own inner struggle with our thoughts. Basically we fight against our own self when it comes to everyday living. We may ask how we can control who will come out on top. Well the first thing we need to do is be aware of this situation. Only then can we begin to take control of our thought process and allow what will be the best solutions to continually take the upper hand in our life. We must continue to train our mind daily. Do not allow your mind to just run on automated because it might just take you where you don’t need to go.

Monday, December 24, 2007


Have you ever met someone that was a skeptic of just about everything? No matter what it was it couldn’t be true or it had to have a catch to it. There are plenty of things that may call for having caution toward, but being skeptical toward everything has to be unhealthy. These are the type of people I believe that if out of the kindness of your heart you tried to give them $100, they wouldn’t take it only because of their skeptical mind process. Do you think a person like this could be living a fulfilling lifestyle? I don’t, because in certain situations you will need to be willing to take a change. So be cautious of some things, but not skeptical of all things.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Start Your Own Business

Before I started this article I wasn’t sure if it would fit in with my usual format. But with the New Year approaching I came to the conclusion that the timing fits. Folks as 2008 quickly come upon us we should reflect back to the beginning of 2007 to see if where we are now is where in our lives we thought that we would be. If not, why not? That may be a hard question to answer; maybe time just went by to fast, maybe your money situation wasn’t right. On that note this is where I would like to introduce you to be able to start your own business. First I want you to know that there is enough money out there for everyone who has the iniative to work toward getting it. I have joined a company call SFI as an affiliate representative, it didn’t cost me one dime to join. But the best thing about the company is that after you join they give you all of the tools that you need free of charge to have a successful business. But there is only one thing that they don’t give you, it is the desire and the drive to better your life. That has to come from within you. All good things come to you through effort on your part, you must be willing to apply yourself, and no one else will do it for you. There is a banner that is always at the top right hand side of this page. No one including myself can force you to improve your situation, but I am willing to encourage you to take a look for yourself, it want cost you a thing, so just sign up for free and see for yourself.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Believing Is Seeing

This title is not one of everyday thinking. What most people think is to see is to believe. Both ways do have their merit depending on the circumstances. For example if someone came and told you that they had won the lottery, you may want to see that to believe it. But when it comes to wanting to improve situations in your life the opposite should always apply. You must believe with your mind and your heart in what it is that you want to see. This is the first step in what has been called manifestation of results. Only when you begin to use this principal can the right motivation become ignited within you. Think about the exact things that you want and the purpose for wanting them and after doing that you determine that it would be in your best interest to receive it. Then you need to believe it to see it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Nothing from Nothing Leave Nothing

Understanding the above saying is one of the biggest keys in having positive results in our lives.
At one time in my life I was the type of person that would sit around a lot and just day dream about how I would like my life to be, I would think about the job I would like to have, the money that I would want to have in my procession and so on. I would think wouldn’t it be great if things could be different. That may be the position of some of you that are reading this article right now. If so, let me tell you what I decided to do in my situation. The first thing that I did was to realize that if I didn’t take some form of action things would remain the same. I begin to explore opportunities into how I could change myself; ways that I could start to better my life. At this time I have made many steps towards knowing that I am in control of my situation and only by taking action can I expect to progress forward. And what I also want you to realize is that, if you don’t have nothing you want get nothing by just doing nothing.

Also guys check out my store to the right of this article, many good items to choose from.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Live And Let Live

It has been said by many that we should live and let live. Some may take this to mean that each one of us should live in a way that makes us happy and let others live as they would . This may sound to those who are living a life of success or a life without lack as a well made statement. But to those who are without and those who are in need of assistance that statement may not fit that well. We are in a time where because of social economics there are individuals that do need help. Help can come in many different ways, not just monetary. One of the best remarks that I personally like is give a man a fish and feed him for a day, but teach him how to fish and feed him for a life time. Now there are those who are out there who would rather be just giving the fish, and you can find them everywhere. But you can find those who are willing to be taught to fish and what I would like to do is encourage those of you who have the ability to teach and want to, not to give up on everyone, because when you find that one person it will reignite your flame.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Get Your Head Out Of Your Past

Are there times when you feel like you are not where you belong? Maybe you are doing something that you don’t get much satisfaction from. You may have even questioned your purpose of being where you are now. Let me ask you, is there something that you would love to be doing but for some unexplained reason you are not? If the answer is yes, it may be because of something out of your past is subconsciously holding you back. Our past can have strong influence over our present and futures. But if you learn to recognize this problem and except it as over and done, you can start to break away from past issues. Don’t just assume that you have already got over your past, because your past may be getting over on you. Recognize it, face it, and forget it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Energy To Go

Hey guys let me introduce you to Veriuni Ginseng Energy. If you are in need of a quick get up and go method, this is it. You want believe the energy and overall good feeling that this product
will deliver. And another good thing about it is the cost. You want find any other product that do what
Veriuni Ginseng Energy will do for you at this price. This product is unreal and when you start
to take it you want be sorry. This product would also make a good gift. There is a link at the
bottom of this page that will take you to the order page. Do yourself and others you care about
a good deed. Place your order now.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas Notes

Christmas is a big day in most people life, millions of dollars are spent for that coming day more then any other day of the year. Below I have included some facts that most people may not be aware of.
Christmas is an annual holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus. The date of the celebration is traditional, and is not considered to be his actual date of birth. Christmas festivities often combine the commemoration of Jesus' birth with various secular customs, many of which have been influenced by earlier winter festivals.
The word "Christmas" originated as a contraction of "Christ's mass
In Western culture, where the holiday is characterized by the exchange of gifts among friends and family members, some of the gifts are attributed to a character called Santa Claus
The current tradition in several Latin American countries (such as Venezuela) holds that while Santa makes the toys, he then gives them to the Baby Jesus, who is the one who actually delivers them to the children's homes. This story is meant to be a reconciliation between traditional religious beliefs and modern day globalization, most notably the iconography of Santa Claus imported from the United States.

Monday, December 10, 2007

I Am What I Think

You know it has been said that each one of us have thousands of different thoughts to go through our mind on a daily basis. The type of thoughts that these may be is determine by your belief system. Each one of us had a time when we may have been having a conversation with someone on a certain subject, and in our own mind was thinking during or after that conversation, was that person for real, can they really believe what they are saying. Was what they were saying that unbelievable or was our own belief system so one sided that we could not be open to their view. The real question is should we begin to question our own belief systems. I believe as individuals with free wills and minds of our own we should at least find answers to how our belief systems were formed. For example what we were taught to believe in this country, in religious beliefs, or social beliefs may not be the same things that were taught to someone in another country. The question then becomes, who beliefs are the right ones, theirs or ours. I have personally preferred to come to the conclusion that both might be wrong. No I have not gone off the deep end but I have begun to think outside the box. It has made things a little more complicated, but I have found a peace within me that in the pass never existed. My thought development began with meditation, which taught me to focus within my mind and learn to control my thinking process. I would encourage you all to seek knowledge and begin to open your minds to new ideals.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

I Have Falling And Don't Want To Get Up

Everyday of the week someone loose a job, a house, car, and other necessities of life. It could
happen because of any number of reasons. but what is most important is that they don't give up.
Do not let the situations of that time paralyse them to the point of believing that they should no
longer continue trying. There have been many individuals that have had major setbacks in their
lives that has been considered completely devastating.You may heard of someone or know
someone personally. Many have cameback and went on to become some of the largest success
stories that you can imagine. So whatever the situation may be now, have belief in yourself and
you will achieve positive results.

Also if you would like to drop a few pounds or just have more energy take a few minutes and view the site right of this message. Invest in a better and newer you.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Easy Weight Loss System

Hello everyone, This is just a short message to remind you that as you all know the New Year is just around the corner.So it will be time to start off with a new list of goals to have accomplish before the next year comes in. I would like to let you all know about a new weight loss program that is extraordinary and the best thing about it is that you don't need to change your everyday lifestyle. This program is very low in cost and you will see results fast. Be ready for this coming
summer, take the time and view this web site, I have included a link below to access it, or you can click on the ad to the right of this page, you will be glad you did.

Monday, December 3, 2007

False Comfort Zone

It is my belief that most people are living in what I call a false comfort zone. Also they have been living this way for so long that even if they are not satisfied with the way their life is going, they have learn to just accept it. I believe that if individuals were to look and realize the uncertainty that living this way could bring, there would be no comfort in continuing to accept certain conditions in their lives. Over the months we have heard of major companies closing ,foreclosures and other economical problems. I would encourage you all to find ways to prepare yourselves for the coming times. Some ways would be to begin a saving account, evaluating your skill level, and watching your spending. These are just a view ideals, but there are many. Basically it is all up to you.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Everyone Makes Mistakes

Have you ever not done something that you knew could benefit you, but was afraid that you might make a mistake or fail ? If your answer is yes, that was a mistake you made in not doing it. Let me share with you a statement that I read today, it was said by someone you all may know.
"I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot... and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that's precisely why I succeed."

Some of you may have guess who made these remarks, but if you haven't, it's a person who I considered one of the greatest basketball players in history, Michael Jordan. One thing that is done in making mistakes is the acquiring of knowledge, mistakes is know way the best way, but they do teach something. So don't be afraid to take chances, and always believe in yourself.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Getting In The Zone

Every time I think about individuals like Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey, I often wonder did they think that they would be in the position that they are now in. I couldn't know, but what I would assume is that they had a strong desire to do and be the best that they could with the abilities that they had to become as successful as they are. I am also sure each of them had set backs and down points in their travel to success and could have gave up at anytime, but didn't. We might can't reach the type of success that these two have, but each one of us can have greater success then what we might think. It begins with desire, you must have a burning desire to want it, a driven passion to have it, and a success conscious mind to achieve it. It is my belief that everyone would love to have a life of success. So what I would would like to instill in you, is to seek opportunities to move toward a more successful life.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Begin Choosing, Or Keep Loosing

Can any of you think back to when you was a teenager? At that time would you have imagine
that your life would be where you may be at now. If you did, I hope by me saying great that I'm not insulting you. But if you didn't, have you thought about where you miss your mark? I don't believe as teenager any of us would have imagine ourselves to be living now a life of regrets, lack, or dispirit. What I do believe is that we would have saw ourselves happy, having good jobs that paids good income, and also in good loving relationships. What I would like to impress in you is that even though we can't change the past, we can take the present and make it a better future. That is the choice each one of us have right now. So don't let another day pass. Put in your mind right now that you will do what ever it take to assure yourself a successful future.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Knowledge Is The Door, Action Is The Key

Have you ever wanted to learn or try something different in your life, maybe a hobby, an exercise program, a new job, or your own business. I'm sure most of you have had that ambition. Some of you might have read books, bought cds, weights, or search the internet for ideas. If any of you have went on to accomplish any of your goals congratulation. But for those that have not, can I ask why not? Maybe something more important came up or you decided to put it on hold for now. I know for awhile I did, until I realize that the longer I waited the more the motivation to get things done left me. I believe that most people would love to be able to put their mind on a project and take action and complete it. Let me encourage each one of you to set goals, take charge of your actions and unlock doors in your life.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Reaching Goals

I found something I thought you would be interested in. I am excited about it, so I just signed up as an "Evangelist"!
This company ( has developed a new training system that helps people achieve their goals sooner (personally and professionally) -- by giving you the tools to immediately produce better results. Their starter package costs nothing but 2 minutes of your time.
They are the ONLY people in the world who can show you...
* What you are doing RIGHT -- so you can do MORE of that... * What you are doing WRONG -- so you can do LESS of that... * Exactly what you need to do DIFFERENT to accelerate your success.
To introduce their new product line, they are giving away 10 million audio CD training programs covering different areas of your performance: setting goals, making plans, team-building, organization, time management, your attitude, etc.
You should get one before they run out! There's no obligation to purchase anything.
The idea is to simply choose one area of your performance, either a major strength... and make it stronger... or a limiting weakness... and eliminate it. Either way, this program focuses on personal improvement in a whole new way.
They have all kinds of simple on-line tests, assessments, workshops and a Daily Lessons in Excellence email training program that really works! I highly recommend it.
To sign up, just go to
Enter this number in the Gift Certificate box: 110388 (this is how I get credit!)
Talk to you soon.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Help Have I Lost My Mind

Let me ask you a Question. Are you in control of your mind, or is your mind in control of you? I know you may think that this is a silly question, but it does make sense if you look at it from the following view point. When we are first born we are equip with an undeveloped brain. Our brain is said to be similar to a computer, but can work at a much higher capacity. So who are our programmers? First would be our parents, followed by siblings, teachers, friends, and so forth. Now also with this comes the ability to think for ourselves. We are living in a time of information technology that is being presented to us from all directions. Different people, products, and companies are trying to tell us how we should think and act. And if you believe them without reasoning, it will become a part of your programming. What I am saying is that you are the keepers and programmers of your own brain, don't allow viruses to consume it.

Take control. begin right here, I did.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Enjoying Your Life

Do you know that one of the worst things that goes on in most people lives is that they don't

live the way they would like too. Most people are living what I would call survival existence.

Some may look at this and think that's all I need to do. But at the same time if you would ask them questions like, are you happy with your job? answer: not really but it's a job. Are you happy in your relationship? answer: we get along sometimes. And here is one of the most important question that we all should ask ourselves, how do we invision our life in the future?

If your answer is, I have not really thought about it, you are not along in that answer. Because

most people don't want to think about it. What I would like to tell you is that your life begins on how you think and what you think begins in your brain/mind. Through research I have found 2

great pieces of combine science and technology that has completely change my life. They are the real deal. I have included links below. Do your life a favor and look for yourself.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Bad, Bad, And More Bad

Have anyone been watching the News lately? If so, do you notice that the majority of all news is bad and very little good. Could this be because the media knows that bad news is what most folks thrives off. Think about it, they figure all they need to tell us is what we expect to here anyway. Let me clue you in on something, we might not be able to change what's going on in the world, but we can change what's going on in our own mind. Do you know that some news people are becoming some of the highest paid individuals out there. And the biggest thing that they do is feed us bad news. I hope that most of you are not the type of people that can't stand to miss the news on television, online, or read a newspaper, because if you are, let me fill you in on what's happening. It's what you expect, bad news here, there, and everywhere. like I said before, you may not be able to change your outside world, but begin to change your inside world. Get off of the media hook.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A Time For Giving Thanks

We are about to come upon another Thanksgiving Holiday. I would like everyone to take time and just realize what this holiday stands for, its not just about eating a big meal and having a day off of work. It's truly about just what the name implies,. a day for giving thanks. So when you wake up that morning begin then to give thanks for all the good that is in your life and the life of others.

Educational Shifts

It has been over 20yrs since I been out of school. Back then things was a lot different then what they are now. Teacher had better control of their students and so did parents. We are in the middle of a complete breakdown of our educational system, if a change is not made quickly. The world is running at a quicker rate then what our school systems are, and if our educators don't keep pace we all will lose this race. If parent were to show up at their children high school on any given day, they would be in for an eye opening experience. Parent make sure your kids learn respect at home, not just for you, but for everyone.